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Chicagoland Benefits Survey 2023
Chicagoland Benefits Survey 2023

Release date:  March 2023
Survey conducted:  Biennially in late summer/early fall

(Click here for more information about the National edition)

80 organizations participated in this local report.

Areas represented:

Common to both editions:

143 questions divided into four major sections:

Health and Welfare Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Miscellaneous Benefits, and Part-Time Employee Benefits.

Report includes:

  • Executive summary of survey highlights
  • Breakouts by company size by employee group (union; non-union; non-exempt, clerical, technical; exempt professional, managerial)
  • Total respondents data by employee group

Sample Questions:

  • When do employees become eligible for medical insurance coverage?
  • What types of medical coverage do you offer?
  • Do you offer a DMO plan?
  • Do you offer a Dental PPO plan?
  • What type of benefits are offered to retired employees?
  • What benefits do you provide to part-time employees?

….and many more - 143 questions total! 

Non-members who participate in our surveys are eligible for a discount (as high as 50%) when purchasing the results. Please give us a call at 800-448-4584 or e-mail us to be added to our participation invitation list.

For more information about having us conduct a custom survey for your organization, contact us at 800-448-4584 or send us an e-mail.

Non-member price: 1,000.00
You save 50.0%