Main Content Area Harassment Prevention Training for Board Members (64 Minutes) Although typically working behind the scenes, it is not unusual for Board members to engage with our employees. Thus, it is important that they understand employment laws, especially those relating to discrimination and harassment. Because If a board member engages in harassment or witnesses it and fails to take action, your organization and the board member may have liability under the law. Make sure your board members know and understand their responsibilities by having them take this important and concise training. In this session, board members will learn: Relevant laws, both federal and State of Illinois and City of Chicago. The different types of harassment and discrimination. Behaviors that could be interpreted as discrimination, harassment or are otherwise inappropriate. Actions that should be taken by board members to prevent, investigate and remedy harassment and inappropriate conduct in the workplace. The 5 “Ds” of bystander intervention How to handle a complaint or knowledge of harassment or inappropriate workplace behavior. The definition and legal prohibition of retaliation Non-member price: 90.00 Your price: 50.00 You save 44.4% Quantity: