Main Content Area National Sales Compensation Survey 2023 Release date: November 2023 Data effective date: July 1, 2023 This national survey is conducted in cooperation with 6 other associations nationwide who are a part of the Employer Associations of America (EAA), of which HR Source is a member. Survey Details: This comprehensive survey contains hard to find up-to-date compensation, benefits, practices and expense allowance information. A total of 1,387 U.S. firms submitted data, which includes industry breakouts and incumbent based information with 7,470 rates reported. Survey features: 20 positions spanning a full sales force Salary reports show base pay, variable pay, and total compensation Compensation Strategies (3 types of incentive strategies, plus Combined Compensation which summarizes all three types) Gross Sales Volume (4 breakouts) Regions (6 breakouts) Associations (10 breakouts) Customer Types (4 breakouts) Industry Types (16 breakouts) Metropolitan Statistical Area (121 breakouts) Click here to view the job descriptions for this survey. Non-members who participate in our surveys are eligible for a discount (as high as 50%) when purchasing the results. Please give us a call at 800-448-4584 or e-mail us to be added to our participation invitation list. For more information about having us conduct a custom survey for your organization, contact us at 800-448-4584 or or send us an e-mail. Non-member price: 1,000.00 Your price: 500.00 You save 50.0% Quantity: