Main Content Area RegistrationTitle Main Content Area Share this page Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedInEmailMore options select BookmarksGoogle+MySpaceRedditStumbleUponTumblrYammer FLSA Updates: Know the New Rule This is a webinar program presented through Zoom. The salary threshold used in the Fair Labor Standards Act’s executive, administrative, and professional exemption tests is set to increase twice over the next year. These updates will impact which employees are classified as exempt and non-exempt from minimum wage and overtime protection. The changes will impact virtually all employers. Join Kathryn O’Connor, Director, Compensation Services at HR Source as she covers everything you need to know related to the updated FLSA rule including: • An overview of the changes to the FLSA. • Compliance options. • Employer actions required for compliance with the new rule. • Best practices for reclassifying employees into a non-exempt status. • Expected legal challenges. 1 Recertification Credit Hour 1 PDC When 6/5/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Where Virtual Session Google Yahoo Outlook/iCalendar Loading Non-Member PriceMember Price $145.00$95.00 Please sign in or create an account to register. Username Password Keep me signed in Forgot username? | Forgot password? Create a new account