Main Content Area RegistrationTitle Main Content Area Share this page Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on LinkedInEmailMore options select BookmarksGoogle+MySpaceRedditStumbleUponTumblrYammer Practical ADA Accommodation Strategies This is a webinar program presented through Zoom. Does determining if a medical condition “substantially limits a major life activity,” or if an employee can “perform an essential function with or without a reasonable accommodation” throw you into a legalese fog? Join Allison Sues for a discussion on how to best comply with the ADA in plain terms and with proactive approaches. Allison will clarify how to identify employee comments that trigger an employer’s duties under the ADA, and how to best engage in the interactive process. She’ll define which medical information can be collected, what accommodation requests can be denied, and illuminate the considerations that agencies and courts use to determine whether the employer was working in good faith to assist employees with disabilities. Please note that if you attended the Employment Law Update at our Law Conference on 11/7/24, this session will have similar content. 1.25 Recertification Credits 1.25 PDC's When 2/6/2025 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Where Virtual Session Google Yahoo Outlook/iCalendar Loading Non-Member PriceMember Price $115.00$75.00 Please sign in or create an account to register. Username Password Keep me signed in Forgot username? | Forgot password? Create a new account