How to ID a Good Survey
By Monica Sorenson, PHR, SHRM-CP, Survey Manager
Published December 10, 2024
The end of the year is is traditionally a busy time for HR Departments working diligently on updating their compensation programs. With so much information out there, how do you know the data source you’re using is a good one?
Some thoughts to consider:
#1 What do you need?
Are you looking for something specific to your industry, or something more general? There are many surveys created for a particular group of employers, such as HR Source’s Library Survey, Non-Profit Survey, and Park and Recreation Compensation Survey. We also offer a non-industry specific survey, our Metro Chicago Compensation Survey, which gives a wider view of the market. It’s always in your best interest to utilize several surveys and consider several data points.
#2 Be suspicious of free online data.
We all know the saying “nothing in this world is free,” and this rings true even when it comes to survey data. There are tons of sites offering free reports or free job data. Yes, the data may be up for grabs, but it makes me wonder: Who provided the data? Was it verified? Is the data local? How old is the information? Is it even relevant to your organization or industry? Is it accurate?
#3 Look for value.
What else does the survey include? Some of the things I look for when considering a survey source include a participant list, so we know what types of organizations contributed data; participant demographics, so we know a little bit about those participants; an effective date, which tells us how old the reported data is; and a benefits section, which is always a plus.
In conclusion, knowing where the information comes from and that it was compiled by a trusted survey provider will set your organization up for success in the coming year and beyond. If you have questions about surveys, contact us at 800-448-4584 or