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Healthcare Practices Survey 2023
Healthcare Practices Survey 2023
Release date: October 2023
Survey conducted: Biennially in late summer

62 organizations participated in this local report.

This survey collects information on sought-after data that organizations need when approaching open enrollment such as: average costs that the employer and employee pay for different types of medical plans, and the expected change in premiums. Plan types include HMO, PPO, Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs), Health Saving Accounts (HSAs), High Deductible Health Plans (HSA Qualified), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Results are broken out by manufacturing, non-manufacturing and all organizations combined.

For more information about having us conduct a custom survey for your organization, contact us at 800-448-4584 or send us an e-mail.

Non-member price: 600.00
You save 50.0%